Click “OK” to confirm that you have read the warning. The “Quick format” option should be checked. Open the drop down menu “File system” and select FAT or FAT32. Simply delete the existing exFAT partition and create and format a new FAT32 primary partition, before proceeding with the rest of the NOOBS instructions. The standard formatting tools built into these operating systems are able to create FAT32 partitions they might also be labelled as FAT or MS-DOS. So if you want to use NOOBS on a card that is 64GB or larger, you need to reformat it as FAT32 first before copying the NOOBS files to it. The Raspberry Pi's bootloader, built into the GPU and non-updateable, only has support for reading from FAT filesystems (both FAT16 and FAT32), and is unable to boot from an exFAT filesystem.
This means the official SD Formatter tool will always format cards that are 64GB or larger as exFAT. According to the SD specifications, any SD card larger than 32GB is an SDXC card and has to be formatted with the exFAT filesystem.